Lauren shares tips to lowering your stress levels when it all gets a bit too much.
- Lauren
Stress seems like quite a normal emotion, doesn�t it? Everyone can be a little stressed, whether it�s in their personal or professional lives, or possibly even both. But what happens when stress becomes so great that it is no longer manageable? Stress can have a negative impact on our mental health states, leading to illnesses like depression and anxiety. Here are the following steps I would recommend in taking to help manage it�
1. If you notice yourself becoming too overwhelmed, take some time out to relax. Do something which will ease your mind of its worries. It could be an activity that you enjoy. There are mindfulness colouring books, which are designed to help people with stress, anxiety or depression. Or perhaps a bubble bath will help you to switch off.
2. Talk to other people, it�s very easy when you are feeling stressed to shut others out, not wanting to burden them with your own worries and concerns. But talking to friends and family can help you to unload any issues or problems you may be having. There may also be someone feeling the exact same way that you are.
3. Try learning some breathing techniques, through meditation or mindfulness, so that you can try and relieve yourself from some of the physical symptoms associated with stress. Controlling your breathing can also help you to clear your mind from anxiety ridden thought patterns.
4. Exercising can be a great stress reliever, as it increases the endorphins in your body, which are responsible for your levels of happiness. I personally find this an immense help when dealing with periods of great stress and anxiety. Yoga is a form of exercise which can also help to teach you to control your breathing and be aware of your surroundings.
These are just a few ways of lowering stress, whilst it is important to note that stress is a normal emotion. When it becomes overwhelming to the point of affecting your own mental wellbeing, it is important to seek help and support to help aid recovery.
Hi, I'm Lauren, I am a first year student studying Social Work. I suffer from Depression, OCD and anxiety, I am writing for Student Minds to try and help others.
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