Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Mental Health Over Summer: Rachael's Experience

Rachael shares her experience of how best to work and rest during the summer.
- Rachael Johnston

What do you do to help with your mental health over the summer?

I try and keep myself as occupied as possible.  To keep focused, it�s really important for me to plan ahead and have things set in my diary to look forward to. My previous job as a teaching assistant meant I had the whole summer off; however, I�m now a support worker supporting children with additional needs, which makes this summer a bit different.

What do you like to do during the summer?

I have my birthday over the summer, so there is usually the build up to that. I took two weeks annual leave to be able to have some time with my family and friends to celebrate.  I have had a short weekend away with my mum, which was nice, and I braved a massage. I�ve never had a massage, so I�ve decided I want to try and keep up to see if it helps me unwind a bit more.

What do you find hardest in the summer?

When we do get the sun, it usually means shorts and strappy tops. Currently my weight isn�t great, so I�m very body conscious. I also have scarring from self-harm. This summer, I�ve been a bit braver, and on really hot days I�ve just thought �sod it�! Then there are the big events and get-togethers! Usually it�s a time when everyone seems to go out and there is never a reasonable excuse not to go, so I try and tell myself to give it a go. If things do get too overwhelming, I can always go, so I find myself driving to places and ditching the alcohol in favour of a quick exit if I need it.

What differences have you found in your mental health over the summer compared to when you�re at university?

I�ve never been a fan of the summer holiday, even when I was in school.  I like being busy and having something to do. So I do notice that when my brain isn�t occupied, I start to feel low. However, when I�ve not been in university for a while, I start to become anxious about going back.  I check and recheck my personalised plan so I can reassure myself that any new tutors know what additional steps need to be taken. I suppose that�s the thing with mental health: no matter what I do, that little voice never seems to be satisfied.

Do you have any advice for other students who struggle with their mental health in the summer?

I�d say plan ahead. If you�re struggling, don�t bottle it in.  If you�re not up to do something which you have planned, be honest and don�t just cancel, my friends have either been able to talk me round into going out for a little while, or they�re happy to find a good film and stay in.
If you have appointments through the summer, stick to them, get to them even if you�d rather be sitting in. Sometimes it helps your therapists to see you in person when you�re really down, to get a fuller understanding of your situation.
To avoid staying stuck in a cycle of wearing the same clothes for days, I also try and set an alarm to have a fixed time when I have to have a shower and change.

Are you interested in getting involved in the �Mental Health over the Summer� blog series? Please do not hesitate to email us at blog@studentminds.org.

Hi, I�m Rachael. I�ve been blogging on and off for a few years now around my experience of living with Anorexia and Borderline Personality Disorder. Although I�m meant to be on a break from university this summer I requested an extension for my last assignment due to a dip in my mental health, so I�ve been able to keep myself occupied with this summer with uni work and my job as a support worker.

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